Can't sit down on a bench wet

Can't sit down on a bench wet
From fallen leaves heavy with dew
The water treatment plant near Bridgewater
Droning in my ears sound cannot get through
I could roll down the ridge in brambles
Come to rest on a rail track along river Ohio
And wait for the train to pass

Or I could gather my thoughts together
Carry them up the yellow brick road to Beaver
Whatever the heck she wondered
What was wonderful to me
Back with the good family
Familiar with the conclusion
Of what is wonderful to see

There once was a place near Oz
That would not send me homeward
Where once I led a dreamer's life
As real as expat Kansas gamblers
On showboat Beaver to Mississippi
Where they lose the house taking chances
But keep some of the cargo remains

Soot settled left its indelible marks
I want on it to scribble
That no love lasts forever
Like water passes under the bridge
Fast windy water has left me drifting
To where I am alone climbing
Up the ridge grasping slippery weeds

Stay with the kindness of a simple mind
Away from the bad place that indigents find
Untangle and connect the end lines of blues
The foreign tongue I never really used
Like a stamp collection licked and abused
What professional expats ensue
The crux of a teacher's review

Experience the moment at hand
Here comes the train passing through
With a long cargo of refuse bins
Removed to make room for more
Pack and unpack the junk that grew
In life it is good to continually renew
Save for a precious memento or two

Dec. 2022



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