Crippled for Spring I Shan't Become
Crippled for Spring I shan't become
when wheels return to pleasant paths.
handicapped I'd loathe to be
with gnarly old age approaching,
time doing its encroaching.
With love at an end bringing me up,
filling my cup with fresh ground renewal.
coming like spring in flowerlike jewels.
not without rain comes and darkened sky,
there has to be darkening with rain passing by.
flowers that bloom can remember heaven,
know when sunshine brightens the view.
here in the morning with day ahead,
hearing the mourning dove cry for love
for a friend bringing life's propulsion.
softly sipping tender java
grounds sticking to the cup's bottom.
let not renewal become forgotten,
living half-life in peaceful repose.
how long it lasts every lover knows.
wake up to smell the coffee
not giving in to the pain of living.
for every morning the feeling refreshed,
bask in the dream of a moment blessed,
then get dressed and row the river flow.
March 7, 2022
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