Old Friend Jim
old friend Jim,
in this world, who invites
me in?
who will let me stay
when my heart feels like
it is blowing away?
who will catch it before
it becomes dazed
as we gently embrace each
feels so good
the way i am feeling
I cry with fear of losing
my way
until I find the way back
to dear Jim
with the winding road to
freedom slim
all the silliness and Dr.
Drek responses
remind me what is the
difference between us two
and dear Jim knows the
he lets me inside and
knows the difference
though his body is shocked
tolerating the thunder and
the pain
our hearts, the same, do
not change
Jim remembers me and lets
me in
over and over again
we remember from where we
the music and
the path through the
forest back to the vicinity
of our youth,
through the wives that
snagged our lives
the children we won't let
go of,
the ones we won't ever
stop loving
i renew myself in
with the man who always
comes through
caring for each other into
a better future
that we are both confident
will come true
but being here now
stabilizing, sustaining
reminding me of where I am
knowing me until i leave
to find my way back home.
May 28, 2021
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