In The Bright Midnight of Roofs White

in the bright midnight of roofs white 

the mumbling truth of holding on tight

with August Wilson here to stay

when my son went on his way

saying what he thoughtlessly thought 

through the concourse of airports

no clodhoppers to slow him down 

i cry on the sofa near Wilson town  

Thanksgiving came, the family shared

and Hanukkah miracles oh so near 

knowing my family cares instead 

and will be here when I lie in bed

cacooning my feet in the blanket warm

shielding my heart from the storm

hearing the ducts of heat coming fast

the cold days I sacrificed hours to pass 

the first candle lit on the right near

jelly donuts with union cheer

isolated like the last orange leaf 

the shock and awe that isn't grief

in the coming months of frostbitten hands

through winter landscape grand 

after the last eighth candle drips 

if i make it through without cracking a lip

December 4, 2021


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